Biblia Explicatii verset cu verset (Vechiul Testament)

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Psalmii Explicatii verset cu verset

Mesaj necititde CrestinismAutentic » 31 Ian 2019, 13:56

Psalmii - Explicatii verset cu verset

Biblia Explicatii verset cu verset (Noul Testament)

Psalmii 1 - 69 Explicatii verset cu verset
citeste - click pe link: ... -vol-1-pdf

Psalmii 70 - 150 Explicatii verset cu verset ... -vol-2-pdf

Tilcuire a celor 150 de psalmi -Teodorit (episcop de Cir) ... de-Cir-pdf

Comentariu asupra Psalmilor vol. 1-2-3-4 - John Phillips

Ioan Gura de Aur - Omilii la Psalmi

Augustin - Comentarii la Psalmi I-XXI ... 201-20.pdf
Augustin - Comentarii la Psalmi XXI-XXXIII ... 021-33.pdf

Comentariu la Psalmi - William MacDonald ... -Psalmilor

Vasile Cel Mare - Omilii la Psalmi ... -La-Psalmi

Să ne rugăm cu psalmistul - Claudiu Dumea
Psalmii 1-50, vol.1
Psalmii 26-51, vol.2

Comentariu asupra Psalmilor 1 - 89 Warren Wiersbe
Comentariu asupra Psalmilor 90 - 150 Warren Wiersbe

Talcuire Psalmi -Pr. Ioan Sorin Usca ... Ioan-Traia

Ghid bibliografic Vechiul Testament ... tament-pdf

Comentariu al Vechiului Testament - John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck (Editura Multimedia Arad)

Comentariu cultural-istoric al Vechiului Testament - John H. Walton, Victor H. Matthews, Mark W. Chavalas (Editura Casa Cartii)
versiune engleza

Jean/John Calvin - Comentariu la Psalmi (engleza)

Augustin - Comentarii la Psalmi (6 volume, engleza) ... guuoft.pdf ... guuoft.pdf ... guuoft.pdf ... guuoft.pdf ... guuoft.pdf ... guuoft.pdf

STUDII la Psalmi (cele mai renumite)

1. Willem A. VanGemeren — “Psalms” in the Expositor’s Bible Commentary (1991)
2. Gerald Wilson — Psalms Volume 1 (NIV Application Commentary, 2002).
3. Charles H. Spurgeon - The Treasury of David (Volumes 1-5)
4. Derek Kidner — Psalms 1-72; Psalms 73-150 (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 1973)
5. Peter Craigie, Marvin Tate, Leslie Allen — Psalms 1-50; Psalms 51-100; Psalms 101-150 (Word Biblical Commentary, 1983, 1990, 2002)
6. Craig C. Broyles - Psalms (Understanding the Bible Commentary Series)
Ultima oară modificat 03 Mar 2019, 17:57 de către CrestinismAutentic, modificat de 8 ori în total.


Re: Biblia Explicatii verset cu verset (Vechiul Testament)

Mesaj necititde CrestinismAutentic » 31 Ian 2019, 13:57

STUDII la Psalmi

Kidner, Derek Psalms TOTC 1981 DevotionalPastoral
Craigie, Peter C. Psalms 1-50 WBC 2005 Technical
Wilson, Gerald H. Psalms Volume 1 (1-72) NIVAC 2002 PastoralDevotional
Goldingay, John Psalms (3 volume set) BCOTWP 2008
Allen, Leslie C. Psalms 101-150 WBC 2002 Technical
Tate, Marvin E. Psalms 51-100 WBC 2005 Technical
VanGemeren, Willem A. Psalms EBC 1991 Pastoral
VanGemeren, Willem A. Psalms REBC 2008 Pastoral
Wilcock, Michael The Message of Psalms BST 2001 Devotional
Mays, James L. Psalms INT 1994 Devotional
Hossfeld, Frank-Lothar Psalms 2: 51-150 HERM 2005 Technical
Spurgeon, Charles H. The Treasury of David (in 3 volumes) 1988
Plumer, William S. Studies in the Book of Psalms 1866
Schaefer, Konrad Psalms: Studies in Hebrew Narrative & Poetry BO 2001 Technical
Limburg, James Psalms WeBC 2000
Hossfeld, Frank-Lothar; Zenger, Erich Psalms 3: 101-150 HERM 2011
McCann, J. Clinton Psalms NIB 1996 Pastoral
Grogan, Geoffrey W. Psalms THOTC 2008
deClaissé-Walford, Nancy L.; Jacobson, Rolf; Tanner, Beth LaNeel The Book of Psalms NICOT 2014
Terrien, Samuel Psalms ECC 2003 Technical
Erhard, S. Gerstenberger Psalms, Part 2 and Lamentations FOTL 2001 TechnicalSpecial Study
Gillingham, Susan Psalms Through the Centuries, Volume 1 BBC 2007
Wesselschmidt, Quentin F. Psalms 51-150 ACCS 2007 Special Study
Harman, Allan M. Psalms 73-150 MOT 2012
Dickson, David Psalms GEN 1991
Williams, Donald M. Psalms TPC 2002 Pastoral
Arnold, Bill T. Encountering the Book of Genesis EBS 2003
Kraus, Hans-Joachim Theology of the Psalms CC 1992 Technical
Bullock, C. Hassell Encountering the Book of Psalms: A Literary and Theological Introduction EBS 2004
Keil, C. F.; Delitzsch, Franz Psalms COT 2006 Technical
Grant, Jamie A.; Tucker Jr., W. Dennis Psalms Volume 2 (73-150) NIVAC 2018 PastoralDevotional
Longman III, Tremper Psalms: An Introduction and Commentary TOTC 2014
Grogan, Geoffrey W. Prayer Praise And Prophecy 2001
Cohen, Abraham; Oratz, E.; Shahar, Shalom The Psalms: Hebrew Text & English Translation, With an Introduction and Commentary 1992 Jewish
Broyles, Craig C. Psalms UBOT 1999
Kraus, Hans-Joachim Psalms CC 2000 Technical
Weiser, Artur Psalms OTL 1962 Technical
Dahood, Mitchell Psalms AYB 1966 PastoralTechnical
Goldingay, John Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther for Everyone OTE 2012
Johnston, James A. The Psalms: Rejoice, the Lord Is King - Volume 1 - Psalms 1 to 41 PtW 2015
Leupold, Herbert C. Exposition of Zechariah 1971
Boda, Mark J. After God's Own Heart: The Gospel According to David GOT 2007
Hopkins, Denise Dombkowski Psalms, Books 2-3 WC 2016
Byassee, Jason Psalms 101-150 BTC 2018
Ross, Allen A Commentary on the Psalms, Volume 1: 1-41 KEL 2012
Harman, Allan M. Psalms Volume 1: A Mentor Commentary Volume 1 Psalms 1-72 MOT 2012
Leupold, Herbert C. Exposition of Psalms 1959
Goldingay, John Psalms for Everyone: Part 2: Psalms 73-150 OTE 2014
Theology of Work Bible Commentary: Volume 2: Joshua through Song of Songs ToWBC 2015
Goldingay, John Psalms for Everyone: Part 1: Psalms 1-72 OTE 2013
Brug, John F. Psalms: Volume 1 PBC 2005
Bullock, C. Hassell Encountering the Book of Psalms: A Literary and Theological Introduction EBS 2018
Blaising, Craig A.; Hardin, Carmen S. Psalms 1-50 ACCS 2008 Special Study
Selderhuis, Herman J. Psalms 1-72 RCS 2015
Wiersbe, Warren W. Be Worshipful (Psalms 1-89): Glorifying God for Who He Is BE 2009 Devotional
Mills, Watson E.; Wilson, Richard F. Wisdom Writings: Volume 3 MCB 2001
Alden, Robert L. Psalms EvBC 1990
Feuer, Avrohom Chaim Tehillim / Psalms - 2 Volume Set ART 1986 Jewish
Ellsworth, Roger Opening up Psalms OUB 2006 Devotional
eds. Firth, David G.; Johnston, Philip S. Interpreting the Psalms: Issues And Approaches 2006
Lane, Eric Psalms FB 2006
Bratcher, Robert G.; Reyburn, William D. A Handbook on Psalms UBS 1993 Technical
Tesh, S. Edward; Zorn, Walter Psalms: Volume 1 CPNIV 1999
Schwab, George M. Psalms CBC 2009
Futato, Mark Psalms CBC 2009
Thompson, David L. Psalms 1-72 NBBC 2015
Alexander, Joseph Addison; Master, Peter Commentary on the Psalms 1991
Wiersbe, Warren W. Be Exultant (Psalms 90-150): Praising God for His Mighty Works BE 2009 Devotional
Anderson, A. A. Psalms NCB 1980
Harman, Allan M. Psalms MOT 1998
Estes, Daniel J. Psalms 73-150 NAC 2019 Pastoral
Briggs, Charles A.; Briggs, Emilie Psalms ICC 1907 Technical
Spurgeon, Charles H. Psalms CCC 1993 DevotionalSpecial Study
Clifford, Richard J. Psalms 73-150 AOTC 2003 Pastoral
Knight III, George W. Psalms DSB 2006 Devotional
Gerstenberger, Erhard S. Psalms, Part 1, with an Introduction to Cultic Poetry FOTL 1988 TechnicalSpecial Study
Allen, Ronald B. And I Will Praise Him: A Guide to Worship in the Psalms 1999
Hilber, John Cultic Prophecy in the Psalms 2005
Waltner, James H. Psalms BCBC 2006
Clifford, Richard J. The Wisdom Literature IBT 1998
Steussy, Marti J. Psalms CCT 2004
Alter, Robert The Book of Psalms: A Translation with Commentary 2007 Jewish
Lennox, Stephen Psalms: A Bible Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition WesBC 1999 DevotionalPastoral
Thompson, W. Ralph Psalms 1-72 WesBC 1968 DevotionalPastoral
Cohen, Abraham; Rosenberg, A. J.; Oratz, E. The Psalms: Hebrew Text & English Translation, With an Introduction and Commentary SBB 1992 Jewish
Rogerson, John William; McKay, John William Psalms 101-150 CBCOT 1977
Rogerson, John William; McKay, John William Psalms 51-100 CBCOT 1977
Rogerson, John William; McKay, John William Psalms 1-50 CBCOT 1977
Ross, Allen Psalms 1985
Curtis, Adrian H. W. Psalms ECS 2005
Charry, Ellen T. Psalms 1-50 BTC 2015
Boice, James Montgomery Psalms JMB 2005 Devotional
Lawson, Steven J. Psalms 1-75 HOTC 2004 Devotional
Lawson, Steven J. Psalms 76-150 HOTC 2006 Devotional
Spurgeon, Charles H. The Treasury of David: Spurgeon's Classic Work on the Psalms 2004
Estes, Daniel J. Handbook on the Wisdom Books and Psalms: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs 2010
Brown, William P. Psalms IBT 2006
Day, John Psalms OTG
Rosenberg, A. J. The Book of Psalms: Volume 2 JP 1991
Rosenberg, A. J. The Book of Psalms: Volume 3 JP 1991
Rosenberg, A. J. The Book of Psalms: Volume 1 JP 1991
Ross, Allen A Commentary on the Psalms: Volume 3: 90-150 KEL 2014
Waltke, Bruce K.; Houston, James M.; Moore, Erika The Psalms as Christian Lament: A Historical Commentary 2014
Bergant, Dianne Psalms 1-72 NCBS 2013
Bergant, Dianne Psalms 73-150 NCBS 2013
Hilber, John; Walton, John H. Psalms ZIBBC 2013
Waltke, Bruce K.; Houston, James M. The Psalms as Christian Worship: An Historical Commentary 2010
Ross, Allen A Commentary on the Psalms: Volume 2: 42-89 KEL 2013
Psalms ZIBBC 2009
Moore, Phil Straight to the Heart of Psalms: 60 bite-sized insights SttHS 2013
Villanueva, Federico; Shao, Joseph Too The Book of Psalms 1-72 ABC 2013
Ho, Shirley; Lin, Feng Yi The Book of Psalms 73-150 ABC 2013
Steveson, Peter A. Psalms 2007
Brug, John F. Psalms: Volume 2 PBC 2005
Brandt, Leslie F. Psalms/Now 1986
Brueggemann, Walter; Bellinger Jr., William H. Psalms NCBC 2013
Bullock, C. Hassell Psalms: Volume 1: Psalms 1-72 TTCS 2015
Utley, Bob Psalms FBC
Ferguson, Sinclair B. Pundit's Folly 1996
Clifford, Richard J. Psalms 1-72 AOTC 2002
Purkiser, W.T. Psalms BBC 1967
Zorn, Walter Psalms: Volume 2 CPNIV 2004
Psalms LBC 2013
Macleod, F. Wayne Psalms: Volume 1 LMP 2012
Macleod, F. Wayne Psalms: Volume 2 LMP 2012

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