Biblia Explicatii verset cu verset (Noul Testament)

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Biblia Explicatii verset cu verset (Noul Testament)

Mesaj necititde CrestinismAutentic » 31 Ian 2019, 17:23

Biblia Explicatii verset cu verset (Noul Testament)

Psalmii Explicatii verset cu verset ... 805#p42429

Biblia ortodoxa si Noul Testament - citeste online

Biblia baptista/ penticostala si Noul Testament - citeste online

Biblia catolica si Noul Testament - citeste online

Noul Testament Evanghelia dupa Matei Explicatii verset cu verset ... 436#p42436

Noul Testament Evanghelia dupa Ioan Explicatii verset cu verset ... 806#p42432

Noul Testament Evanghelia dupa Luca Explicatii verset cu verset ... 443#p42443

Noul Testament - Evanghelia dupa Marcu - Explicatii verset cu verset ... 447#p42447

Arsenie Boca - sfant sau eretic?

Evanghelia dupa Ioan - traduceri GRESITE in limba romana
Ultima oară modificat 23 Mar 2020, 11:15 de către CrestinismAutentic, modificat de 10 ori în total.


Noul Testament - Evanghelia dupa Ioan Explicatii verset cu verset

Mesaj necititde CrestinismAutentic » 31 Ian 2019, 17:24

Noul Testament - Evanghelia dupa Ioan - Explicatii verset cu verset

Biblia Explicatii verset cu verset (Vechiul Testament)

Teofilact al Bulgariei a facut o sinteza din scrierile vechi.
Teofilact al Bulgariei - Talcuirea Sfintei Evanghelii de la Ioan
citeste - click pe link: ... de-La-Ioan

Evanghelia dupa Ioan - comentariu verset cu verset ... n%20RF.pdf

Ioan Gura de Aur - Comentar la Evanghelia de la Ioan ... -Dupa-Ioan

NU se poate STABILI autorul Evangheliei dupa Ioan.
Evanghelia dupa Ioan NU a fost scrisa de un apostol, dovada contradictiile socante dintre mai multe versete din aceasta Evanghelie.

Jean Calvin - Ioan, comentarii (Editura Logos) ... Comentarii

Chiril al Alexandriei - Comentariu la Evanghelia Sfântului Ioan (PSB 41) ... tea-IV-pdf

Comentariu al Noului Testament - John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck (Editura Multimedia Arad)
versiune engleza

Comentariul cultural-istoric al Noului Testament - Craig S. Keener (Editura Casa Cartii)

Comentariile Tyndale, vol. 4. Ioan - de Colin G. Kruse (Editura Scriptum)

Beniamin Faragau - Evanghelia dupa Ioan

Introducere şi comentariu la Sfânta Scriptură vol. IX: Literatura ioaneică - Raymond E. Brown

Traducere si comentariu Evangheliei dupa Ioan - Cristian Badilita

Evanghelia dupa Ioan, comentariu biblic, vol. 6 - 7 - Gerhard Maier

John C. Ryle - Cugetari asupra Evangheliei dupa Ioan. Vol.1-2

Sa studiem Ioan - Mark Johnston

Comentariul Biblic al Credinciosului -Noul Testament - William MacDonald ... iosului-NT

Andre Scrima - Comentariu integral la Evanghelia dupa Ioan

Augustin - Comentariu la Ioan (vol.1-2, engleza) ... 01augu.pdf ... 02augu.pdf

Origen - Commentary on the Gospel According to John Books 1-10

Papa Benedict al XVI-lea (Joseph Ratzinger) - Isus din Nazaret (3 volume)

Raymond E. Brown - Moartea lui Mesia. Din Ghetsemani până la mormânt, vol.1-2 (Editura Sapientia)

Manual biblic

Introducere în Noul Testament - D.A. Carson, Douglas J. Moo
versiune engleza

Introducere în studiul Noului Testament - Iosif Feher ... -free.html

Dicţionarul Noului Testament - editor Daniel G. Reid ... ent-G-Reid

Jean/John Calvin - Comentarii (engleza)

Cercetarea Noutestamentara Romaneasca - Ghid Bibliografic ... bliografic

Bibliografie biblica

TOATE celelalte 3 Evanghelii (Matei, Marcu, Luca) sunt MENTIONATE de PAPIAS in jurul anului 130.
FAPTUL ca Papias, care a redactat o culegere cu traditii despre Iisus (s-a pastrat pana in Evul Mediu), nu mentioneaza Evanghelia după Ioan inseamna:
a) Evanghelia după Ioan NU EXISTA in anul 130 sau
b) Papias a considerat Evanghelia după Ioan FALSA sau MODIFICATA.
Irenaeus/Irineu de Lyon afirma ca Papias a fost ucenicul Apostolului Ioan (FALS), iar istoricul EUSEBIU DE CEZAREEA considera ca Papias a fost ucenicul PREZBITER-ului Ioan (afirmatia lui Eusebiu este CORECTA).
Ultima oară modificat 08 Iun 2020, 18:03 de către CrestinismAutentic, modificat de 47 ori în total.


STUDII la Evanghelia dupa Ioan (cele mai importante)

Mesaj necititde CrestinismAutentic » 31 Ian 2019, 17:26

STUDII la Evanghelia dupa Ioan (cele mai importante)

1. D.A. Carson — The Gospel According to John (Pillar New Testament Commentary, 1990)
2. Leon Morris — The Gospel According to John (New International Commentary on the New Testament, 1995)
3. Craig S. Keener — The Gospel of John (vol.1-2, 2003)
4. Andreas J. Kostenberger — John (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, 2004)
5.Herman Ridderbos — The Gospel of John (1997)
6. Raymond E. Brown - The Gospel and Epistles of John: A Concise Commentary
7. William Hendricksen - John
8. Charles K. Barrett - The Gospel According to St. John: An Introduction With Commentary and Notes on the Greek Text
9. Thomas L. Brodie - The Gospel According to John: A Literary and Theological Commentary
10. George R. Beasley-Murray - John
11. J. Ramsey Michaels - The Gospel of John (New International Commentary on the New Testament)

The Messiah in the Old and New Testaments (Mcmaster New Testament Studies)

Craig S. Keener - The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament

Carson, Donald A. The Gospel According to John PNTC 1990 Pastoral
Köstenberger, Andreas J. John [Plagiarism Acknowledged] BECNT 2004 TechnicalPastoral
Morris, Leon The Gospel according to John NICNT 1971 TechnicalPastoral
Keener, Craig S. The Gospel of John: A Commentary 2003
Brown, Raymond E. The Gospel of John AYB 1966 PastoralTechnical
Ridderbos, Herman N. The Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary 1997
Hendricksen, William John HK 2002 TechnicalPastoral
Beasley-Murray, George R. John WBC 1999 Technical
Calvin, John John CCC 1994 DevotionalSpecial Study
Burge, Gary M. John NIVAC 2000 PastoralDevotional
Bruce, F. F. The Gospel of John: Introduction, Exposition, Notes 1994
Barrett, Charles K. The Gospel According to St. John: An Introduction With Commentary and Notes on the Greek Text 1978 Technical
Kruse, Colin G. John TNTC 2004 PastoralDevotional
Ultima oară modificat 08 Feb 2019, 06:59 de către CrestinismAutentic, modificat de 2 ori în total.


Noul Testament Evanghelia dupa Matei Explicatii verset cu verset

Mesaj necititde CrestinismAutentic » 01 Feb 2019, 13:56

Noul Testament - Evanghelia dupa Matei - Explicatii verset cu verset

Teofilact al Bulgariei - Talcuirea Sfintei Evanghelii de la Matei
citeste - click pe link: ... e-La-Matei

William Hendriksen - Evanghelia dupa Matei

Efthimie Zigaben/Zigabinos - Comentarul Sfintei Evanghelii dupa Matei (traducere veche 1933)

Comentariile Tyndale, vol. 1. Matei - R. T. France

Ioan Gură de Aur - Omilii la Matei ... ea-III-pdf

Beniamin Faragau - Evanghelia dupa Matei ... Dupa-Matei

Introducere şi comentariu la Sfânta Scriptură vol. VIII: Evangheliile sinoptice - Raymond E. Brown

Noul Testament în tâlcuirea Sfinţilor Părinţi. Vol. 1 - Matei - Usca, Ioan Sorin

Evanghelia dupa Matei, comentariu biblic, vol. 1-2 - Gerhard Maier (Editura Lumina Lumii)

Traducere si comentariu Evangheliei dupa Matei - Cristian Badilita

Cugetari asupra Evangheliei dupa Matei - John C. Ryle

Comentariu Biblic: Matei pentru toti, Vol.1-2 - Tom Wright

Origen - Omilii la Matei ... ocalia-pdf

Dicţionarul Noului Testament - editor Daniel G. Reid ... ent-G-Reid

Bibliografie - STUDII - Noul Testament

Studii de teologie biblică a Noului Testament apărute în revistele Bisericii Ortodoxe Române

Sinteza Bibliografie din reviste teologice ... -teologice

Cercetarea Noutestamentara Romaneasca - Ghid Bibliografic ... bliografic

Bibliografie biblica

INDEX revista Studii Teologice ... =0&lang=ro

BIbliografie Studii Teologice ... -Teologice

Revista Studii Teologice-Index Cronologic Al Articolelor Publicate 2004-2008 ... -2004-2008


Indice Bibliografic Mitropolia Olteniei 1948-1998 ... a-Olteniei

Ghid bibliografic - Glasul Bisericii 1973-2002 ... 3-2002-pdf

Bibliografia Revistei BOR Vol. 2 (1874-2004) ... -1874-2004
Bibliografia Revistei BOR Vol. 3 (1874-2004) ... -1874-2004

STUDII la Evanghelia dupa Matei (cele mai importante)

1. D. A. Carson — “Matthew” in The Expositor’s Bible Commentary (1984)
2. Leon Morris — The Gospel According to Matthew (Pillar New Testament Commentary, 1992)
3. R. T. France — The Gospel of Matthew (New International Commentary on the New Testament, 2007)
4. Craig S. Keener — A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew (1999)
5. W.D. Davies and D.C. Allison — Matthew 1-7, Matthew 8-18, Matthew 19-28 (International Critical Commentary, 1988, 1991, 1997)
Ultima oară modificat 03 Mar 2019, 17:53 de către CrestinismAutentic, modificat de 9 ori în total.


Noul Testament - Evanghelia dupa Matei - Explicatii verset cu verset

Mesaj necititde CrestinismAutentic » 01 Feb 2019, 13:59

STUDII la Evanghelia dupa Matei

Carson, Donald A. Matthew EBC 1984 Pastoral
France, R. T. The Gospel of Matthew NICNT 2007 TechnicalPastoral
Blomberg, Craig L. Matthew NAC 1992 Pastoral
Morris, Leon The Gospel According to Matthew PNTC 1992 Pastoral
Hagner, Donald A. Matthew WBC 1993 Technical
Allison Jr., Dale C.; Davies, W. D. Matthew ICC 1988 Technical
Nolland, John The Gospel of Matthew NIGTC 2005 Technical
Hendricksen, William Matthew HK 1981 TechnicalPastoral
Wilkins, Michael J. Matthew NIVAC 2004 PastoralDevotional
Keener, Craig S. Matthew IVPNTC 1997 Devotional


Noul Testament Evanghelia dupa Luca Explicatii verset cu verset

Mesaj necititde CrestinismAutentic » 04 Feb 2019, 11:46

Noul Testament - Evanghelia dupa Luca - Explicatii verset cu verset

Talcuirea Sfintei Evanghelii de la Luca - Teofilact al Bulgariei
citeste - click pe link: ... de-La-Luca

Evanghelia lui Luca: introducere si comentariu - Leopold Sabourin

Talcuire la Evanghelia dupa Luca - Efthimie Zigaben ... %20-EZ.pdf

Evanghelia dupa Luca - Beniamin Faragau

Evanghelia dupa Luca, comentariu biblic, vol. 4-5 - Gerhard Maier (Editura Lumina Lumii)

Parabolele lui Luca. Din amonte în aval - Michel Gourgues

Cugetari asupra Evangheliei dupa Luca vol.1-2 - John C. Ryle

Traducere si comentariu Evangheliei dupa Luca - Cristian Badilita

Chiril al Aleandriei - Comentariu la Evanghelia dupa Luca vol.1-2 (engleza)

Ambrozie de Mediolanum/Milan - Comentariu la Evanghelia dupa Luca (engleza)

STUDII la Evanghelia dupa Luca (cele mai importante)

1. Leon Morris — Luke (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 1988).
2. Robert H. Stein — Luke (New American Commentary, 1993)
3. Darrell L. Bock — Luke 1:1-9:50; Luke 9:51-24:53 (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, 1994, 1996) ... 20Matthews
Darrell L. Bock — Luke (IVP New Testament Commentaries)
4. John Nolland — Luke 1:1-9:20; Luke 9:21-18:34; Luke 18:35-24:53 (Word Biblical Commentary, 1989,1993)
5. I. Howard Marshall — The Gospel of Luke (New International Greek Testament Commentary, 1978).
Luke Timothy Johnson - The Gospel of Luke (Sacra Pagina)
6. Hendricksen, William - Luke HK 1978
7. Evans, Craig A. -Luke (Understanding the Bible Commentary Series)
8. Gooding, D. W. -According to Luke: A New Exposition of the Third Gospel 1987
9. France, R. T. Luke TTCS 2013 (Teach the Text Commentary Series)
10. Wright, N. T. Luke for Everyone NTE 2001 Devotional
Ultima oară modificat 03 Mar 2019, 17:55 de către CrestinismAutentic, modificat de 4 ori în total.


STUDII la Evanghelia dupa Luca

Mesaj necititde CrestinismAutentic » 04 Feb 2019, 11:47

STUDII la Evanghelia dupa Luca

Bock, Darrell L. Luke BECNT 1994 TechnicalPastoral
Stein, Robert H. Luke NAC 1993 Pastoral
Green, Joel B. The Gospel of Luke NICNT 1997 TechnicalPastoral
Marshall, I. Howard The Gospel of Luke NIGTC 1978 Technical
Morris, Leon Luke TNTC 1988 PastoralDevotional
Bock, Darrell L. Luke NIVAC 1996 PastoralDevotional
Fitzmyer, Joseph A. The Gospel of Luke AYB 1982 PastoralTechnical
Nolland, John Luke WBC 1989 Technical
Hendricksen, William Luke HK 1978 TechnicalPastoral
Liefeld, Walter L. Luke EBC 1984 Pastoral
Bovon, François Luke HERM 2012
Bock, Darrell L. Luke IVPNTC 1995 Devotional
Tannehill, Robert C. Luke ANTC 1996 Pastoral
Johnson, Luke Timothy The Gospel of Luke SP 2006 Roman CatholicTechnicalPastoral
Gooding, D. W. According to Luke: A New Exposition of the Third Gospel 1987
Liefeld, Walter L.; Pao, David W. Luke REBC 2005 Pastoral
Butler, Trent C. Luke HNTC 2000 Devotional
Tannehill, Robert C. The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts 1989
Neale, David A. Luke 1-9: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition NBBC 2011
Tiede, David L. Luke ACNT 1988
Ryken, Philip Graham Luke (2 volume set) REC 2009
Vinson, Richard B. Luke SHBC 2008
France, R. T. Luke TTCS 2013
Patella, Michael The Gospel According to Luke: New Testament NCBS 2005
Carroll, John T. Luke NTL 2012
Edwards, James R. The Gospel According To Luke PNTC 2015 Pastoral
Jeffrey, David Lyle Luke BTC 2012
Culpepper, R. Alan Luke NIB 1995 Pastoral
Wright, N. T. Luke for Everyone NTE 2001 Devotional
Ryle, J. C. Luke CCC 1993 DevotionalSpecial Study
Caird, George B. The Gospel of Saint Luke PEL 1971 PastoralDevotional
Pate, C. Marvin Luke MGC 1995 DevotionalPastoral
Just, Arthur A. Luke CC 1997
Garland, David E. Luke ZECNT 2011
Evans, Craig A. Luke UBNT 1990
Craddock, Fred B. Luke INT 1990 Devotional


Noul Testament Evanghelia dupa Marcu Explicatii verset cu verset

Mesaj necititde CrestinismAutentic » 05 Feb 2019, 09:50

Noul Testament - Evanghelia dupa Marcu - Explicatii verset cu verset

Talcuirea Sfintei Evanghelii de la Marcu - Teofilact al Bulgariei
citeste - click pe link: ... -Marcu-pdf

Evanghelia dupa Marcu, comentariu biblic, vol. 3 - Gerhard Maier

Comentariu la Evanghelia dupa Marcu - I. Karavidopoulos ... %20-IK.pdf

Sa studiem Marcu - Sinclair Ferguson

Aminteste-ti si istoriseste evanghelia - Silvano Fausti
(Cateheza narativa a lui Marcu)

Traducere si comentariu Evanghelia dupa Marcu - Cristian Badilita

Minunile lui Isus comentariu biblic - Isidor Martinca

Cugetari asupra Evangheliei dupa Marcu - John C. Ryle

Simboluri, parabole si imagini în Evanghelii - Isidor Martinca

STUDII la Evanghelia dupa Marcu (cele mai importante)

The Messiah in the Old and New Testaments (Mcmaster New Testament Studies)

1. R.T. France — The Gospel of Mark (The New International Greek Testament Commentary, 2002).
2. William L. Lane — The Gospel According to Mark (The New International Commentary on the New Testament, 1974).
3. James R. Edwards — The Gospel According to Mark (The Pillar New Testament Commentary, 2002)
4. Ben Witherington III — The Gospel of Mark: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary (2001) ... el+of+Mark
5. R. Alan Cole — Mark (The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 1989)
Tyndale New Testament Commentary
Tyndale Old Testament Commentary
6. The Gospel according to St Mark: An Introduction and Commentary (Cambridge Greek Testament Commentaries) C. E. B. Cranfield
7. The Gospel According to St. Mark: The Greek Text with Introduction, Notes, and Indexes
8. Mann, C. S. Mark: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary 1986
Ultima oară modificat 03 Mar 2019, 17:55 de către CrestinismAutentic, modificat de 2 ori în total.


STUDII la Evanghelia dupa Marcu

Mesaj necititde CrestinismAutentic » 05 Feb 2019, 09:51

STUDII la Evanghelia dupa Marcu

France, R. T. The Gospel of Mark NIGTC 2002 Technical
Lane, William L. The Gospel of Mark NICNT 1974 TechnicalPastoral
Edwards, James R. The Gospel According to Mark PNTC 2001 Pastoral
Brooks, James A. Mark NAC 1991 Pastoral
Stein, Robert H. Mark BECNT 2008 TechnicalPastoral
Garland, David E. Mark NIVAC 1996 PastoralDevotional
Guelich, Robert A. Mark 1:1-8:26 WBC 1989 Technical
Cranfield, C. E. B. The Gospel according to St Mark: An Introduction and Commentary CGTC 1959 Technical
Cole, R. Dennis Mark TNTC 1989 PastoralDevotional
Evans, Craig A. Mark 8:27-16:20 WBC 2001 Technical
Bock, Darrell L. Mark CBC 2006
Gundry, Robert Horton Mark: A Commentary on His Apology for the Cross 2000
Donahue, John R. The Gospel of Mark SP 2002 Roman CatholicTechnicalPastoral
Boring, M. Eugene Mark NTL 2006 Technical
Collins, Adela Yarbro Mark HERM 2007 Technical
Hooker, Morna D. The Gospel According to Saint Mark BNTC 1992
Rhoads, David; Dewey, Joanna; Michie, Donald Mark as Story Second Edition 1999
Strauss, Mark L. Mark ZECNT 2014
Marcus, Joel Mark AYB 2009
Juel, Donald H. The Gospel of Mark IBT 1999
Moloney, Francis J. The Gospel of Mark: A Commentary 2002
Beavis, Mary Ann Mark PAI 2011 TechnicalPastoral
Harrington, Daniel J. Meeting St. Mark Today: Understanding the Man, His Mission, and His Message 2011
Black, C. Clifton Mark ANTC 2010
Healy, Mary Gospel of Mark CCSS 2008 Roman Catholic
Witherington III, Ben The Gospel of Mark: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary SRC 2001 Special Study
Taylor, Vincent The Gospel According to St Mark: The Greek Text with Introduction, Notes and Indexes 1966
Anderson, Hugh The Gospel of Mark NCB 1981
Hughes, R. Kent Mark: Jesus, Servant and Savior PtW 1989 Pastoral
Ferguson, Sinclair B. Let's Study Mark 1999
Culpepper, R. Alan Mark SHBC 2007
Hiebert, D. Edmond The Gospel of Mark: An Expositional Commentary aExpC 1994 Pastoral
Kernaghan, Ron Mark IVPNTC 2007 Devotional
Williamson, Lamar Mark INT 1983 Devotional
Hall, Christopher A.; Oden, Thomas C. Mark ACCS 2005 Special Study
Mann, C. S. Mark: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary 1986 PastoralTechnical
Moloney, Francis J. Gospel of Mark 2012

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