Psalm 5:6

Pisoiu Fericit
Membru din:05 Apr 2008, 19:08
Localitate:N-E Scotiei
Psalm 5:6

Mesaj necititde Pisoiu Fericit » 19 Oct 2008, 15:24

So, I was reading the works of St. Patrick (in English) as an assignment for my celtic studies module, and I came across this part of a psalm : "You destroy those who speak a lie." (psalm5:6).

What does that mean???

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Membru din:02 Apr 2008, 06:16
Preocupări:profesor de religie

Re: Psalm 5:6

Mesaj necititde Florina » 19 Oct 2008, 21:19

The devil is the father of the lie; so, when a person lies, it follows the devil and it is not the son of God anymore. And the result is the way to hell. We have the Confession for all sins, but we must fight not to repeat the same errors. The lie isn't a minor sin. The only lies accepted by God is when you can save somebody's life. For example, if a wife lies her husband that she had aborted the baby, but she'll have the baby. This is not a sin because she saved a life.

Pisoiu Fericit
Membru din:05 Apr 2008, 19:08
Localitate:N-E Scotiei

Re: Psalm 5:6

Mesaj necititde Pisoiu Fericit » 19 Oct 2008, 22:13

The only lies accepted by God is when you can save somebody's life. For example, if a wife lies her husband that she had aborted the baby, but she'll have the baby. This is not a sin because she saved a life.
Thanks. Especially since that is an answer to an older question that a scottish man asked me.


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